.Net is a programming platform that is not tied to any programming language and allows you to develop applications in many different languages including: C++/CLI, C#, F#, J#, Delphi 8, Visual Basic, .NET, Python and many others. It was created at Microsoft's initiative in 2014 under an open source license, and includes a CLR runtime environment and libraries that use classes to create conventional functionality quickly and easily. Its primary advantages are high performance, security and object-oriented programming. What's more, it allows you to use APIs and work on the GitHub platform.


.Net - flexibility that conquers the market

.Net runs correctly and efficiently on multiple platforms and allows building websites, web applications and servers on Windows, Linux and macOS. It also allows to create native mobile applications and attractive desktop applications, microservices running in Docker containers or 2D and 3D game production with a single code. In addition, the platform is compatible with all services available in the cloud, allowing you to use its services and deploy your own solutions. .Net is extremely stable, making it perfect for deploying large projects, and offers extensive technical support. Its deployment to other systems is possible thanks to a dedicated controller, and software development itself requires the use of a compiler provided by Microsoft. In addition, the company offers a free SKD service, or Software Developer Kit, to perform needed integrations. Because it uses object-oriented programming, it eliminates the repetition of unnecessary code, which means less work for developers and greater efficiency in the overall application. .Net uses repeatable components and enables controlled code, while allowing application versioning and reducing post-deployment conflicts. What's more, the platform is popular for its increased application security, offering advanced protection features for securing code itself and based on splitting file access according to user roles.

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