Flask is a very popular minimalist Python library for building web applications. This microframework does not contain many tools and mechanisms typical for most libraries, e.g. object-relational mapping or form checking, but on the other hand it provides extensions with the help of which you can add many interesting functionalities to your project. This makes this micro-library lightweight and easy to use for less demanding and complex projects.


Flask - a minimalist Python framework for microservices

The Flask library is appreciated for its simple module-based structure and intuitive operation, making it easy to learn especially for beginner programmers. Noteworthy is the fact that it was created as a programming joke, but it quickly proved that its flexibility improves the work of programmers, as it does not impose a predetermined structure when building applications. This makes it perfect for a small and simple, but properly functioning backend. Although another Python framework, Django, is most commonly used for many projects, Flask allows integration with other libraries such as Jinja and SQLAlchemy, making it able to compete with it. Its great advantage is its flexibility - it allows experimentation with different technologies, libraries and the architecture of the framework itself, which allows it to be customized according to the programmer's needs as well as the needs of the project as it grows; in the case of Django, any technological solutions must be chosen at the very beginning of the project work. Flask offers support for unit testing, supports secure cookies, makes RESTful requests and allows easy integration with APIs and much more, making it very fast and easy to implement in production. This Python micro-library is a good solution when you need to quickly build a project on a server to show that something works, or when there are no or very small business requirements.

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