Cloudinary is a tool for processing and managing media files in the cloud. It's a platform that allows you to automate image and video processing, as well as share them across platforms and devices. It allows developers to focus on their projects, rather than managing file processing infrastructure.

What does Cloudinary offer?

It offers a range of features such as image processing automation, cropping capabilities, scaling, adjusting brightness and contrast, and adding filters or special effects. It allows you to automatically generate different versions of images, such as with different sizes or aspect ratios, which is useful for publishing images in different places on the website. The tool also offers automatic video processing, thumbnail generation or automatic transcription creation. It is easily integrated with various platforms, such as React or Angular, as well as with content management systems or online stores.

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Cloudinary also offers cloud resource management, which saves disk space and improves web page loading speeds. The tool allows you to automatically push images and videos to the cloud, as well as backup them. It also has analytics tools to track image and video usage, monitor where visitors are coming from, what images or videos are viewed most often, and the top sources of traffic.
It also has a feature to automatically generate links to images and videos, allowing you to easily share files with others. The tool also allows you to create secure links to resources, which is useful for files that should not be publicly available. It also offers the ability to create dynamic URLs, which allows you to easily generate links to images and videos with different parameters, such as size or filters.
Cloudinary also features facial recognition, allowing you to automatically tag people in photos and videos. The tool also allows you to create dynamic photo compositions, which makes it easy to create collages or animated GIFs.

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Is Cloudinary free to use?

The tool is available in a free version, but you have to pay for more advanced features. Cloudinary also offers paid plans that allow more space for images and videos, more analytical tools and more customization options.

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