This project is a comprehensive implementation for a client in the RES industry. We conducted detailed research and workshops, as well as created branding and design and development of the website in Next/React/Strapi technology.
The project was commissioned by the Pad-Res brand, which is a leading Polish developer in the clean energy sector. Their business is focused on developing ambitious photovoltaic and wind farm projects. After research on the renewable energy industry in general and analysis of competitor sites, we held a workshop with the client. After the meeting, we moved on to outlining the site's information architecture and preparing lo-fi mockups with section layout and markup of the content to be included on each subpage.
Design work on many fronts
After completing the stage of low-detail mockups, we moved on to drawing them in more detail, and in parallel with the appearance of the website, the entire visual identity of the brand was shaped, for which Boring Owl is also responsible. Therefore, the subsequent mockups that were created, already in color, with the introduction of graphics and with attention to detail, we can call them medium detail mockups, because while working on them, many assumptions were still being verified. This is a stage that does not always occur in our design process, but it is very helpful especially for larger, complex projects.
Along with designing the brand's logotype, we prepared the entire brandbook, which served as both a starting point for designing the final version of the website's layout and advertising materials for the client: business cards, letterheads, graphics for online banners and templates for presentations and documents.
Final design
At the same stage we perfected the look of the site. In addition to the attractive visual layer itself, with which both the team and the client were already fully satisfied, we planned to introduce animations, which definitely enliven the site and engage the user's attention from the first seconds of contact with the site. We recommend taking a look at the implementation, which is now available at