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For most of us, the Internet is the primary source of knowledge on almost every subject, which definitely makes our daily lives easier. In order to meet the expectations of Internet users and make the use of the Internet even easier, Google has also made it possible to search for some information using an image. This method is extremely simple and intuitive, and above all very useful. Find out what image search is all about and learn the best ways to get the information you are interested in.


How does image search work?

If you want to retrieve information about a photographed item you found in a store or a graphic you already have saved on your phone, there are several simple ways to do it. All you have to do is put a photo in your web browser instead of keywords. Google launched an image-based information retrieval feature as early as 2001, with a Polish version released a year later. Google robots are responsible for this type of information. Scanning the Internet, the indexing robots describe a given graphic using specific keywords, and then sort them by their similarities.


Image search applies to files:

  • GIF;
  • TIFF;
  • PNG;
  • JPG.


To make your image retrieval even more specific, you can filter your search results by:

  • date the image was added;
  • file type;
  • right of use;
  • color of the graphic;
  • size of the images.


In this way, the information obtained will be about graphics similar to the base photo, any information about the file, and where the object or place from the photo is located.


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Image search - 4 proven ways

Image search is extremely fast and functional. It will save you time in searching for items or places that interest you. Also, in a way, this feature protects copyright - it will help you see if someone has used your graphic without your permission. Here are some methods for searching with an image on your phone and computer.


Drop and down method

This method involves dragging the graphic you are interested in directly into the search box. To do this, open a browser window, select Google Graphics, then click the image and, while holding the mouse button, drop it into the search bar. This will display the related images. Note, however, that this method only works in Chrome and Firefox browsers.



You can also run an image search by right-clicking on the found image. Then select "Google image search" from the context menu. This feature is only available in the Chrome browser. On the other hand, in other browsers you can install the Serach by Image plug-in, which will find related images in exactly the same way as the Chrome browser.


Adding images stored on your drive or phone

If you have images saved on your mobile or desktop device, you can acquire information about them through image search functions. To do this, go to the Google Graphics page, click on the camera icon, select "Upload image" and then "Select image from library" on your phone or from your computer drive.


Image search by URL

To find images related to the graphic you are interested in, you can also use its URL. To do this, right-click and select "Copy image address" from the menu. Then go to Google Graphics, set the "Image Search" option, and finally the "Paste Image Address" option.

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