Umów się na bezpłatną konsultację

Twoje dane przetwarzamy zgodnie z naszą polityką prywatności.

The goal of the project was to create a modern online store operating in the field of electrical wholesalers with a refreshed look compared to the previous version. The client already had most of the mockups and backend, which allowed us to quickly start development of the front end of the application. The team's tasks were divided into weekly sprints. Weekly meetings with the client and his team allowed us to quickly implement tasks and resolve any doubts that arose during development, so the project was created at a very fast pace. Using the Vercel platform allowed us to quickly configure the CI/CD, so we were able to quickly show the result of our efforts to the client. In less than six months the store project was completed. We are now focusing on maintenance and adding new features, and we are in regular contact with the client and his team.

Kwant - case study, category

The online store, in addition to obvious features such as the ability to add a product to a shopping cart, the ability to browse categories, the ability to search for products and the ability to place orders, also has such features as:

  • the ability to select the customer branch from which the default product inventory will be displayed, 
  • possibility to check stock levels in other branches and possibility to order products to selected branches
  • possibility to register as an individual or a company
  • extensive panel for managing an account in the store
  • panel for store employees "Employee Zone"
  • news modules and the "Kwant Academy" module with articles and applications that can be used by store customers
  • module with information about the Kwant wholesalers and online store "Kwant Company"
  • pages and discount products, allowing you to receive certain prizes during the execution of orders
  • possibility to join the store's loyalty program
  • integration with the mobile application "Kwant App"

Kwant - case study

Project schedule:

April 2023 - start work on the project
September 2023 - completion of store development, start of testing
October 2023 - completion of testing, launch of the store


Technology Stack:

  • React
  • Next.js
  • TypeScript
  • Material UI
  • React Hook Form
  • React Query
  • Axios
  • Zustand
  • Stapi + ChatGPT
  • Vercel



Thanks to well-specified requirements and good contact with the client, we made a very fast online store application. The use of market-proven solutions such as Next.js together with the Vercel platform helped us to quickly deliver new features of the application and finally complete the project in a relatively short time.

See the LIVE project